Thứ Tư, 4 tháng 12, 2019

Procedures for changing information of shareholders?

In the period of industrialization and modernization, foreign investors are the objects that the government calls for investment. When deciding to invest in Vietnam, the main form is to contribute capital to buy shares and become a shareholder, this is considered the most common form. However, changes in business usually take place and they must be done under strict procedures to control.

In case of change of information that foreign shareholders in unlisted joint stock companies: According to Article 52 of Decree 78/2015/ND-CP, when this change is made, the company must notify the Business Registration Office where the enterprise has registered. The notice shall contain the following information: name, business identification number, tax code or number of business registration certificate (in case the enterprise have not a business identification number or tax code yet); information of a shareholder being a foreign investor transferring shares; information of foreign investors being transferred shares; full name, identity card number or passport or other lawful personal identification and signature of the company's legal representative.

Enclosed with the Notice, the company must send the Decision and a valid copy of the Meeting Minutes of the General Meeting of Shareholders on the change of shareholders being foreign investors; list of shareholders being foreign investors when changed; a share transfer contract or documents proving the completion of the transfer; A valid copy of the Establishment Decision or other equivalent document and a document of the Department of Planning and Investment approving the foreign investor's capital contribution, share purchase in accordance with the Law on Investment.

Upon receipt of the notice, the Business Registration Office shall give a receipt, check the validity of the file, change information about the shareholders being foreign investors in the National Enterprise Registration Database. In case of an enterprise's need, the Business Registration Office shall issue a Certification of changing the enterprise registration information to the enterprise.

In cases of changing basic information of foreign investors:

According to Article 54 of Decree 78/2015 / ND-CP, within 03 days from the change of name, enterprise ID number, head office address, number of shares and type of shares and last name , name, nationality, passport number, permanent address of authorized representatives of shareholders being foreign organizations, enterprises send notice of supplementation and update of business registration information to the Registration Office where the enterprise is headquartered.

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